Friday, April 4, 2008


For the first time in my entire life I am now SOOOOOOOOO thankful that it's Friday.

Man, this week was such a whirlwind week. From Monday (31 Mar 08) this week, I was the only one who takes care of the house and my son at home after I go to work. But of course, there were some people who helped me go through this week like Brix (my boyfriend) and Ate Lisa (my landlady). But the bulk of work were on my shoulders. From cooking, cleaning the utensils we used for eating and cooking, sweeping and mopping the whole house, trying to remove the irritating dust on the whole house, to cleaning the bathroom, washing the clothes, drying the clothes, and last but most of all, taking care of my son, Yosh. Most of these I try to cramp for the few hours that was left after I come from work, which was about 1 1/2 hours away if it's the usual traffic.

Just imagine that everyday I had to wake up at about 4am just to run to work. Every single day.

So now, at least for this weekend, because I don't have any teaching schedule I'll be able to lay my back a little and take things a little slower than I usually do.

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